Sunday, May 17, 2020

Isolation Holidays

we survived our first iso holidays.
it was kind of nice knowing everything was shut,
there was no pressure in thinking and planning out activities.
we did lots of bike riding,
we baked and cooked,
we had movie nights,
gaming days,
pyjama days,
colouring competitions,
played new games,
brax learnt how to flip on the trampoline,
nerf battles
and lots of time just chilling reading in the sun (for mumma).

Mothers Day 2020

well we are still in isolation
so this year we celebrated mothers day differently.
there was no trip to the mountains for our hike or bakery treats.
we made do with what we had and went to knightsbridge bakery
and went for a local hike between kellyville and castle hill.
I did miss our usual tradition but we still got to make memories.
on actual "mothers day" we had church at home,
the boys made mum and I a lovely backyard picnic with all our favourite things,
we went for a bike ride
and they made us a yummy chicken schnitty dinner 
with makai topping it off by making a baked cheesecake.
my favourite part was being asleep by 9pm lol.
I love being a mum,
it is still my most favourite thing that I have or will ever do.
seeing my boys grow is just so special.
they are beautiful boys both inside and out,
they make me proud every day.
they don't even know how amazing they are.
sure we have our bad and down right nasty day
but I would not trade those in for anything,
that's all apart of the journey of motherhood.