this months date does not have a photo attached.
pretty much because there was a certain member of this partnership that was so excited about this date that they (he) didn't want to sit for a photo.
we went and watched BEAUTY AND THE BEAST !
it was AWESOME.
it was like being 4 all over again.
it is one of my favourite disney movies of all time.
you can't bet that, little mermaid and aladin.
so anyway this was also jevans birthday adventure.
what better way to bring in is 29th year of life than by
watching his favourite actress acting as his favourite disney character.
i'm pretty sure he just bought me along to this date because he had to,
he would've been happy to sit there by himself with his beloved emma watson.
it was a fun second date filled with too much popcorn and both dark and milk chocolate maltesers.