Sunday, June 23, 2013

Me vs Him

there is no instruction manual on motherhood.
if there was, it would say under 3 year old boy ; you've done your best, now run.
I don't know what it is but sometimes they just wake up and turn into this person you don't even know.
i reached my breaking point yesterday morning during sacrament meeting at church - I know, such a great place to lose it.
jevans's new calling keeps him away for most of sunday and his work keeps him away all week, so this mumma had a minor meltdown filled with tears and thoughts of "how can Heavenly Father think I can do this, what did I do wrong in raising this boy, i have failed him already, why won't he get that we don't hit and that we share."
don't get me wrong I love this kid more than he will ever know but gosh he can make me want to hit my head against the wall sometimes, tell a lie most times right now.
is it just my kid that won't listen, is it just my kid that talks back?
as a mother you have all these types of question that float around and around in my head.
my mum always said after labour "now comes to the real hard times."
and golly, how right she was.
sometimes a good cry is all you need with support from people around you affirming that no, your not crazy and yes you are doing the best you can - oh and chocolate (that always makes everything better right!?)
i love being a mum but man, it's a tough job.


  1. Oh, Kim! Yes, sometimes all you need is a good cry. It fixes everything! You're an AMAZING Mum! I can only hope to to be like you one day ♥

  2. I enjoyed reading this too.. not because you were having a hard time of course, but because i could totally relate.. although mine is not quite 2 yet i have the same thoughts all the time.. kids develop and learn at different stages and its hard to remind yourself of that... and its really hard doing it on your own.. that part is what breaks us i think..
    Love ya heaps and I admire your mothering and how wonderful you are with your kids.. you do so much for their learning and growth your an AWESOME mum and i wish i was more like you..
    Keep it up kiddo love ya heaps.
    P.s thanks for shareing some real life feelings.. it is nice to know there actually are others out there feeling the same.

    1. Thanks Lauz, just some days i have had enough ya know lol?! I got braydz to do my background i found it on google, try that. There are some really good free ones out there. And i google simple blog headings found one i liked and then made on eon photoshop : ). I like yours : )

  3. P.s I love the new look of your blog.. its great,.. I have been trying to update mine for a little while now and been tring to play around with what blogger has but iam still so new to it all ... GOt any tips.. I love yours.. I want a more clean cut simple set up too.. mine feels so amature and outdated hahaha
